Get Your Ham License

1. You can obtain your license through self study

Many hams of all ages have studied this way AND OBTAINED A LICENSE!

2. You can obtain your license via a class

There is no age limit.
This is the best way to learn what it takes to get your license.
Classroom interaction is a very good learning tool.
There is usually multiple instructors that will help you get through the material.
Contact your local club for more information.

3. There are 3 types of Licenses (Morse Code is no longer a requirement for any license class)

Technician – (Element 2) 35 question test out of 394 possible questions

General (Element 3) 35 question test out of 456 possible questions

Extra – (Element 4) 50 question test out of 700 possible questions

4. These sites will contain the question pool and answers.

 5. Exams are given locally every other month in Richardson, Sachse, Plano, and Garland.

We post this information on the Calendar page.
Current exam cost is $14.00 (This is subject to change without notice)

6. Instructors

 To find an Instructor or a class in your area 

7. Elmers (Mentors)

Experienced hams that are available to help you obtain your license and for questions about Ham radio.

To find an Elmer (Mentor) contact your local club.

8. Club Membership

Club membership is not required, but highly encouraged.
Club meetings are usually held on a regular basis.

9. Other training

How to install a radio

How to program a radio

Emergency Communications

Incident Command Training