If you are licensed amateur radio operator and would like more information about the American Legion post 315 Amateur Radio Club, or are interested in joining us, feel free to contact us here.
You are also welcome to attend our general membership meeting the 1st Wednesday of each month at the Smith Library Conference room, 300 Country Club Rd, Wylie Texas 75098. The meeting starts at 6:00 pm and usually lasts about 90 minutes.
Membership is open to all licensed Amateur Radio Operators, their families, and anyone with an interest in Amateur Radio Activities
Please complete both documents: ARRL Affiliated Club Membership form and Club Commission Reconciliation form.
Membership Types:
VETERAN, ACTIVE-DUTY, RESERVE: A regular member who possesses any level FCC licensed amateur radio operator license. Proof of military service is required. Regular member dues are $15.00 per year.
REGULAR: A regular member who possesses be any FCC licensed amateur radio operator who does not fall under the special provision of a Veteran, Active-Duty, Reserve, or student membership. Regular member dues are $25.00 per year.
FAMILY: A family membership will be all FCC licensed amateur radio operators and non-licensed family members interested in amateur radio who live in the immediate household. Family member dues are $30.00 per year.
ASSOCIATE: An associate member is any person maintaining membership to support the American Legion Post 315 Amateur Radio Club but who does not hold a license as a radio amateur. Associate member dues are $10.00 per year.
STUDENT: A student member is any FCC licensed amateur radio operator who is currently enrolled as a full time student, is 18 years of age or younger, and is not otherwise eligible to be included in a family membership. Student member dues are $10.00 per year.
Membership is renewable annually on June 1st.
Ready to join now? Please follow the steps below.
- Download a printable version of the application HERE, fill it out and mail it and your payment to: P.O. Box 652, Wylie, TX, 75098. You can also bring your application and payment to any in person gathering of the club.
NOTE: We only check the PO Box at least once a week.
Current Membership Dues
- Regular dues – $25.00
- Family dues – $30.00
- Veteran, Active-Duty, Reserve membership – $15.00
- Associate and Student Membership – $10/year